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Melly’s Breakfast Fuel

I have been making oatmeal for as far back as I can remember! It is a breakfast that makes my tummy smile 🙂  It is warm, creamy, filling and energizing! And you can top it off with some of your favorite goodies; such as fresh fruit, coconut flakes, crunchy granola, chocolate chips, Honey, and much more!

Lets look at some of the health benefits of oatmeal:

So, with all these amazing benefits go ahead and make yourself a warm bowl! I have shared with you my perfected, energy packed oatmeal recipe!

Melly’s Breakfast Fueling Oatmeal Recipe



Extra Protein: if you are eating it after a workout or simply want more protein, you can add:


  1. In a small saucepan, add oats, milk, coconut water, cinnamon and vanilla extract. Put on high heat and bring to a light boil. Once it starts to bubble, lower the heat to simmer. Stir it a few times until the liquid is almost fully absorbed.
  2. Add the nut butter and stir it in the oats.
  3. Once nut butter has blended in nicely, it should be a thicker consistency. Turn off the heat and take the pot off the heat. (If it is too thick you can add a little more milk/coconut water and if too liquid-y leave on heat a little bit longer)
  4. POUR into your favorite bowl 😊

Now for the fun part! You can top with all your favorite goodies, but be mindful of portion size and not to pack on too much sugar. These are my toppings, but I change it up every week!

Enjoy – Your tummy will thank you!

Until next time,

MellyFit xo

Melly's Breakfast Fuel - - Holistic Nutrition and Digestive Health in Toronto


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